The IBA-5 was primarily designed to be used from the inside of a building/structure, such as a CB'er who lives in an apartment or area that restricts the use of outdoor antennas. Other uses may include single family residences, offices, and job-sites.
The IBA-5 may also be useful to hunters and campers (on the ground or roof of your RV) to establish a temporary communications center.
This antenna is not meant to be a replacement for an outdoor base station antenna. In most cases the IBA-5 will not out-perform an externally mounted antenna so if you seek maximum performance, we recommend that you use an external antenna.
This fast/easy complete assembly stands just over 5 feet (1.5m) tall.
'Bare-hands tunable tip' antenna (rated at 1000 watts).
Partially pre-assembled base hub assembly.
Four 30" (76cm) radials.
18' of RG-58A/U Fire-Flex coax cable.
Complete assembly instructions are included.
also includes a couple of extra tuning screws that can be used in situations.
where SWR indicates insufficient ground plane.- SKU: ZX9CBDST0808